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Natural Diet is Better Than Diet Pills

Mar 21st 2017, 01:26


Joined: Mar 21st 2017, 00:16
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Available today is an lattice constructed from amino acids, sugars and oxygen which acts as molecular antennae for interacting with the human energy field. When worn this lattice which has been programmed somewhat like computer software with the below information, programs the human energy or magnetic field. The cells of the body receive the Unlock Your Hip Flexors signal MAKE ENERGY FROM FAT from the organic lattice and the cells then carry out the instructions. Isn't that just perfectly wonderful for all of us lazy losers?
What this means to the fat loser is that he or she can simply place this pre programmed organic lattice in the form of patches on their body and wear it. It's actually that simple. The lattice works with the body's natural magnetic field programming the field to utilize fat and turn it into energy. All this while we go about our normal routine totally unaffected by the organic lattice going about what it was created for.