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Time And Motion Study And Lean Wastes

Jun 20th 2018, 23:44


Joined: Apr 24th 2018, 02:02
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The application of lean has among many beneficial results the improvement of the flow of production processes; in order to achieve such improvement there are many tools and techniques at our disposal, to be used according to our necessities. One of the fundamental tools is Time and Motion Study, as it focuses on how to perform actions or processes using the least amount of movements possible - thus reducing the time taken to complete a task. It's closely related to the principle of Wastes, since both concepts seek to improve the flow of production by eliminating everything unnecessary to the process.

In order to further your knowledge and understanding of both topics, üttana has developed a series of courses that anyone interested in the subjects will find most appealing; among those about Study of Time and Motion you'll find:

• Introduction to Motion and Time Study: this course will introduce you to the origins of Time and Motion Study, how it was developed, and the tools and techniques it uses; this knowledge will enable you to analyze processes so you can make all sorts of improvements to it.

• Conducting a Motion and Time Study: this course will guide you on how to conduct a profitable study; learn how to make accurate time recordings, analyze work activity, and what equipment to use;

the data gathered from this study will be used in order to create the necessary improvements.

• Using Motion and Time Study for Process Improvement: this course will show you how to use the data gathered from evaluating and recording performances in order to guide process improvement Cheap Cigarettes For Sale Online, create standards Duty Free Marlboro Cigarettes, and maintain a continuous improvement cycle.

If you'd like to know more about Lean Wastes, at uttana you can find many courses on the topic, such as:

• The 7 Wastes of Lean: the fundamental knowledge to the elimination of waste in the production process; through this course you'll learn to identify and eliminate all 7 wastes found in the workplace Newport Cigarettes For Sale, such as unnecessary motion Cheapest Marlboro Cigarettes, excessive inventory, and overproduction.

• Deeper Understanding of Lean Through 5MQS: 5MQS is an advanced concept of wastes that group them by location (Man, Material, Machine, Method, Management, Quality, and Safety); this course will walk you through each group and provide you with ideas you can implement right away, so you can take your company to the next level of efficiency.

• Forms for Waste Identification and Elimination: learn how to use the tools of lean to save lean wastage and Kaizen to document and eliminate all waste from your production process; this course will show you the structure of the 8 Waste Observation Form, how to fill it, and how to use this documentation effectively to eliminate waste Cigarettes Online Free Shipping.

No matter what course you choose, you'll get a video explaining in-depth the topic being discussed, a PDF file with transcripts for your reviews, a list of terms and definitions, a PowerPoint presentation to further your understanding, images from the video you can use freely, and, upon the successful completion of the course, you are rewarded a badge. So go to uttana and start your courses today!
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