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How to Renovate a Kitchen

Jul 21st 2010, 06:12


Joined: May 19th 2010, 00:02
Total Topics: 20
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Unlike any other home remodeling project, kitchen renovation encompasses so many things--from the raw to the sublime, from the picayune to the important--that it can easily overwhelm even the most determined homeowner.

On the other hand, a fine kitchen remodel instantly raises the value of your home, provides you with a more effective cooking space, and makes you the envy of all of your friends. So, before beginning this tough-but-rewarding project, ask yourself:

What Are My Needs and Desires?: Is your kitchen a disaster zone where you can't even manage to boil an egg? Or do you just want to freshen the place up with new appliances, countertops, floors, and cabinets? A need might be: I need kitchen cabinets because my current ones are falling apart. A desire might be: I desire a new dishwasher because my current one is ugly and noisy, though it works perfectly well.
Is It Worth Putting Myself Through This?: Do you want work crews in your house for extended periods? Do you want to spend money and put yourself through this turmoil? While one of the more expensive home renovation projects, kitchen remodels retain their value well should you decide to sell your house.
Deep-Down Renovation or Surface-Level?: Be honest. Is this a $85,000 full-scale kitchen remodel or a less ambitious surface-level kitchen renovation? No shame in either choice.
Bonus Question: Can I Reduce the Cost of Remodeling?
Think about this now before you get too involved in the project. If you cannot authoritatively answer "Yes" or "I really don't care how low my bank account gets," then you have no business remodeling your kitchen. From doing it yourself to limiting your need for contractors, there are tons of ways to save money.
Viresh Shinde,
Marble Countertop I Black Granite