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Madden NFL 21 will have an entirely new game mode known as “The Yard”

Aug 8th 2020, 06:24


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buy madden nfl 21 coins Madden NFL 21 will have an entirely new game mode known as “The Yard” which will be a kind of homage to the “backyard” games that EA Sports used to make in the past. According to its developers players will be able to enjoy a faster smaller and more adrenaline-pumping mode with arcade elements similar to those of NFL Street.

The Yard is a fun dynamic mode where players can experience the fast paced football of the smaller backyards. In this exciting mode players can create their own avatar and equip it with items that have never been seen in Madden NFL. In addition madden 21 coins online the game can be decisively influenced with trick plays such as throws behind the back and double passes. Players can experience extraordinary gameplay moments and secure victory in new venues around the world.

"We want to create a new way for players to express themselves on the pitch with an arcade-like experience a completely new style at Madden. The Yard is fast exciting and most importantly fun. Players and players will immerse themselves in a new gameplay on mobile and on consoles which will give life to the backyard football that NFL players and fans grew up loving where the rules are flexible "revealed Seann Graddy executive producer on Madden 21.

Madden NFL 21 will be available on August 25 for PS4 Xbox One and PC.

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